

게시판 뷰

글 작성시, 아이핀 인증(G-PIN)을 하셔야 등록이 됩니다.

answer to the question for war casualties

  • 작성자the researcher, the history of the war
  • 조회수2109
  • 등록일2008.07.14
dear asker

first of all.
thank for interesting and asking concerning the korean war matters.
your first question must be killed in action of south korean soldiers i believe

the number of killed in action of south korean soliers is 137,899
the total numbers killed in action of united nations are 178.569 including korean soldiers.

you can get these information at "korean war educator" on web-site.

we have excavated around 25 hundred remains since 2000 and keep on conducting to recover the last one.
about 20 thousand soldiers are alread put in national cemetery after the war.
there are still over 130 thousand left who have to be excavated and return to their family.

i am pleased to reply and thanks again for your concern.
best regards
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