Preliminary identification
Visual examination such as gender, age on the remains at the field mortuary
※ Identification of friend or foe based on related battle history, circumstantial data and personal artifacts

Remains conveyance/registration
Conveyed to the CIL, using a vehicle exclusively designed for remains conveyance
※ Enemy remains: Buried temporarily in a separate enemy cemetery in preparation of repatriation - Respective registration numbers are endowed to systematically manage the remains until repatriation

Identification (CIL)
Conduct a forensic analysis, and identify the remains by utilizing state-of-art technology
- Identify gender, age, race and personal traits of the remains
- Employ precision identification equipment including 3D scanner, comparison spectroscope, dental x-ray, etc
- Collect DNA samples to conduct DNA testing
Examine personal artifacts
※ Precision equipment such as comparison spectroscope and imagescope are employed to examine those artifacts which cannot be identified visually

DNA comparison test
Collect DNA samples from the bereaved family members of those yet-to-be recovered KIA
- DNA collecting location: Regional community health centers in Korea(253 centers), Military Hospitals(18 hospitals)
- Sampling object(target): From immediate family members to third cousins of KIA
- Sampling method: Saliva
DNA analysis (Agency for Defense Development, Specialized Civil Agencies)
※ Confirmation of family relationship through a comparative DNA analysis between the remains and the family members. (Establish Database)

Temporary enshrinement
Preserved for a certain period of time until identified
※ Use of specialized container boxes to prevent the remains from further contamination
Operation of a field laboratory
Conveyance of KIA Remains
Precise Identification (CIL)
Utilization of advanced identification Equipments
Distinguishment of identification clues / Preservation procedures for the personal artifacts
DNA testing