Contact Us
ROK MND Agency for KIA Recovery & Identification, Hyeonchung-ro 250, Dongjakdong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul (Zip 06984)
TEL : +82+2+811-6583

By Subway
- Subway Line No. 4 : Take the Exit no.4 and cross the pedestrian overpass then you can enter through the East gate (10mins walk)
- Subway Line No. 9 : Take the Exit no.8. You can enter through the Main gate. (15 mins walk)
By bus
(the National Cemetery Bus Station)
- Bus No. 8324, Bus No.360, Bus No. 361, Bus No. 362, Bus No.363, Bus No. 462, Bus No. 640, Bus No. 642, Bus No. 752
- Bus No. 4511, Bus No. 5524, Bus No. 6411
- Bus No. 9408